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What are the classification of CNC machine tools

According to the processing technology, it can be divided into the following categories:


Ordinary CNC machine tools

For different technological needs, common CNC machine tools include CNC lathes, milling machines, drilling machines, boring machines and grinders, and there are many varieties of each type.


CNC machining center

The CNC machining center is a CNC machine tool with a tool magazine and an automatic tool changer. cnc machine service。Typical CNC machining centers include boring and milling machining centers and turning machining centers.


Multi-coordinate CNC machine tools

The CNC machine tool with multi-coordinate linkage is characterized by the number of axes that the CNC device can control at the same time, and the structure of the machine tool is also more complicated. The number of coordinate axes depends on the complexity of the processed parts and process requirements. Nowadays, CNC machine tools with four, five, and six coordinate linkages are commonly used.


CNC special processing machine

CNC special processing machine tools include EDM machine tools, CNC wire cutting machine tools, CNC laser cutting machine tools, etc.


What are the optimizations of CNC machine tools for modernization

The development trend of CNC machine tools

Classification of common faults of CNC machine tools

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